Discovering the Problem
In this project a subject was asked about a problem they have experienced recently. This user expressed that they were traveling to a destination they have never been before and didn't know information about the destination and how to prepare for that trip.
A workflow was created to visualize and better understand the paths, actions, and decisions a user might experience.

Vision Brainstorm
Ideas and concepts were generated relating to the overall user journey of traveling to a new location. Explored concepts relating to tangible product experience paired with mobile application.
Usability Sketching for mobile application
Developing user interaction and aiming to understand how we might provide access to most functions with the least amount of screens. Thought process on user experience for the interface.

User Testing Stage
Starting user testing it is important to set the scene for the user by creating a task and scenario to envision.

Story boarding
A storyboard was created to help communicate the user's journey to a larger audience for critique.

Way finding & User Interface Prototyping Round 1
Understanding way finding and user behavior with color change and placement. Developing the user experience.

User Interface Revised
The screens displayed show the most crucial interactions and engagements the user can have with the mobile application. Providing Filters and direction facilitates easy navigation and access to functions without tasking the user.

User Experience Video